Sunday, May 20, 2012

 Pictures from the May 20, 2012 annular solar eclipse.

I was able to observe the annular eclipse today with cheap sunglasses made for viewing eclipses.  Thanks to the sunglasses I was able to watch the eclipse go from a crescent to a ring, then after trying to take a few pictures I watched it go from a ring back to a crescent. The pictures below were taken with my camera at full zoom and full digital zoom.  The lens was covered with eclipse viewing sunglasses to keep the pictures from saturating.   I did not have a tripod and the light levels were low, so the pictures are not real crisp. 

 Just before maximum coverage.
Annular eclipse!
After max.  I had to take a screen shot from a movie since none of the pictures were in focus. The sun was passing through a cloud when this picture was taken.


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